Iwata Vault Kustom CS Gravity Feed Dual Action Airbrush

Iwata Vault Kustom CS Gravity Feed Dual Action Airbrush


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Introducing Iwata Vault: A Curated Collection of Limited Release Specialty Airbrushes

In addition to Iwata’s classic favorites, we proudly present the Iwata Vault - a curated collection of limited release specialty airbrushes. Some models will be brand new, while others will make a comeback by popular demand. Our second model from the vault is a modern take on a beloved classic: the Iwata Vault Kustom CS Gravity Feed Dual Action Airbrush.

As part of the Eclipse Series of airbrushes, the Iwata Vault Kustom CS airbrush is highly versatile. The high flow of the Eclipse allows it to atomize a wide variety of liquids, including metallic, pearlescent, and base coats, with minimal need for reducing or thinning. The Eclipse Series offers a broad spray range, enabling users to achieve anything from a controlled fine line to a controlled wide spray.

Unique features include a generous 0.5 oz / 15 ml fluid cup with a lid, perfect for medium to large scale applications, allowing for uninterrupted creativity without the need for constant refilling. The Main Lever is elevated, and the Rapid Access Handle enhances the convenience and functionality of your airbrush, by making certain tasks quicker and easier. It’s dual cutaway design saves time and increases efficiency by providing easy access to the Needle Chucking Nut and Needle Grip. This is convenient for several reasons -
Key Benefits:
1. Clearing Clogs: If the airbrush gets clogged, the cutaway design allows you to quickly pull back the needle, helping to remove and clear paint build-up inside the nozzle. This feature is particularly useful when working with thicker or metallic paints or when a sudden clog occurs during your paint session. 
2. Removing the Needle: during long spray sessions, it can be beneficial to periodically remove the needle and wipe off accumulated build up. Some people navigate this by removing the back handle while spraying. This isn’t ideal because if the airbrush is dropped while the back handle is removed, the needle is vulnerable to damage. Our Rapid Access Handle allows you to quickly remove the needle out of the back of the airbrush without removing the protection of the back handle. 

Iwata Eclipse Series airbrushes feature an exclusive Compression Fit Nozzle that is easy to clean and assemble. It is secured by the head cap—no threading necessary. Iwata's spring-steel needle resists breakage, and the needle packings are solvent-resistant PTFE for longevity. Additional accessories include a head cap spanner for removing the head cap when accessing the nozzle, as well as Iwata Lube for lubricating the needle and main lever mechanism. The Vault Iwata Kustom CS also includes a Pistol-Grip Moisture Filter to deliver clean, dry air and a taller Main Lever for extreme control of paint flow. Hugely popular, Iwata Eclipse Series airbrushes offer all-star versatility.


Carter Sexton - California, USA

Coast Airbrush - California, USA

Colonial Photo and Hobby - Florida, USA

David Art Center - Louisiana, USA

Howard's Art and Frame - Maryland, USA

Hyatt's All Things Creative - New York, USA

Maple Airbrush Supplies - Alberta, Canada

Midwest Airbrush Supply Co. - Illinois, USA

MiniQ Toys - Hawaii, USA

Myth and Fable - Tennessee, USA

Spraygunner - Florida, USA

The Merri Artist - Oregon, USA

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