andrew c stewart

Name: andrew c stewart Website: Iwata Equipment Used: Iwata CM-B Airbrush, HP -SBS Airbrush Additional Info: Painting Acrylic inks on wood, Title The Lake

Daniel Kecskemeti

Name: Daniel Kecskemeti Website: Iwata Equipment Used: Takumi Micron, Takumi Eclipse, Kustom Eclipse Additional Info: Big Wall Mural, done with Createx Illustration Colors, Wicked Colors and Candy2o

Daniel Kecskemeti

Name: Daniel Kecskemeti Website: Iwata Equipment Used: Kustom Micron, Micron Takumi, Kustom Eclipse Additional Info: Createx illustration colors and wicked detail colors on canvas. Freehand, opaques on top of opaques

andrew c stewart

Name: andrew c stewart Website: Iwata Equipment Used: Iwata CM-B Airbrush Additional Info: Airbrush painting Acrylic inks on CS10 board, Painted for the Planetary Society USA. Title THE COSMOS.

Luke Doubke

Name: Luke Doubke Website: Iwata Equipment Used: Custom micron CM-SB Additional Info: Yes you can share my artwork on social media
Airbrush portrait on Canvas paper of tattooed model

Luke Double

Name: Luke Double Website: Iwata Equipment Used: Custom Micron Takumi Additional Info: Artwork ok to share
Rhino Beetle on synthetic paper

Luke Double

Name: Luke Double Website: Iwata Equipment Used: Micron CM-SB Additional Info: Feel free to share my art . Thankyou
Curious Chameleon
Airbrushed on synthetic paper with createx illustration colours

Luke Double

Name: Luke Double Website: Iwata Equipment Used: Micron SB Additional Info: Titled -The story teller
Black and grey portrait
Airbrushed on Synthetic paper using createx illustration paints

Luke Double

Name: Luke Double Website: Iwata Equipment Used: Micron Takumi Additional Info: -tribute to
Anthony Bourdain
Airbrushed on Synthetic paper using createx illustration paints

Luke Double

Name: Luke Double Website: Iwata Equipment Used: CM SB Additional Info: Titled -Warrior Woman